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Risultati 1-20 di 425

Sir Isaac Newton


  • Houston, W. Robert

A Fedele Lampertico

omaggi di illustri scienziati

Tycho Brahe

a picture of scientific life and work in the sixteenth century

  • Dreyer, John Louis Emil

Josiah Willard Gibbs

the history of a great mind

  • Wheeler, Lynde Phelps

Sir James Jeans

a biography

  • Milne, Edward Arthur

Scientists of the industrial revolution

Joseph Black, James Watt, Joseph Priestley, Henry Cavendish

  • Crowther, James Gerald


  • Caspar, Max

Faraday as a discoverer

  • Tyndall, John 1820-1893

The book of my life

  • Cardano, Girolamo 1501-1576

Atoms in the family

my life with Enrico Fermi

  • Fermi, Laura

Lord Kelvin

[physicist, mathematician, engineer]

  • Young, Arthur Primrose

Galileo Galilei a Padova

ricerche e scoperte, insegnamento, scolari

  • Favaro, Antonio 1847-1922

Luigi Galvani

  • Mesini, Candido

Benjamin Silliman, 1779-1864

pathfinder in American science

  • Fulton, John Farquhar

The crime of Galileo

  • De Santillana, Giorgio

Roger Joseph Boscovich, S.J., F.R.S., 1711-1787

studies of his life and work on the 250th anniversary of his birth

Risultati 1-20 di 425