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Risultati 1-20 di 147

Purchasing library materials in public and school libraries

a study of purchasing procedures and the relationships between libraries and purchasing agencies and dealers ; for the American library Association and the National League of Cities

  • Hensel, Evelyn

Renewal at the schoolhouse

management ideas for library media specialists and administrators

Do it right!

best practices for serving young adults in school and public libraries

  • Jones, Patrick

National school library standards

for learners, school librarians, and school libraries

  • American association of school librarians

The teaching librarian

web 2.0, technology, and legal aspects

  • Helge, Kris

Le biblioteche minori [+]

evoluzione, tipologia, forme di conduzione

  • Gentilini, Anna Rosa

Enhancing teaching and learning

a leadership guide for school librarians

  • Donham, Jean

Playing games in the school library

developing game-based lessons and using gamification concepts

  • Pavey, Sarah

Global action on school library education and training

edited on behalf of IFLA by Barbara A. Schultz-Jones and Dianne Oberg


  • Coleman, Mary Catherine 1976-


  • Donovan, Lori E.

Risultati 1-20 di 147