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Risultati 1-20 di 441

Libri e popolo

politica della biblioteca pubblica in Italia dall'Unità ad oggi

  • Lazzari, Giovanni

The development of national library and information services

papers given at the first Library Association International Workshop, London 1981

  • Library association international workshop 1. Londra 1981

La biblioteca e i suoi documenti

manuale teorico-pratico ad uso dei volontari delle biblioteche

Il lettore occasionale

notizie da una biblioteca di frontiera

  • Bellonotto, Marco

Book selection

an introduction to principles and practice

  • Spiller, David

Le biblioteche degli enti locali 1984-85

  • PiemonteAssessorato alla cultura

Management des bibliothèques

programmer, organiser, conduire et évaluer la politique documentaire et les services des bibliothèques de service public

  • Giappiconi, Thierry

Performance measurement and quality management in public libraries

IFLA satellite meeting, Berlin, 25-28 August, 1997 : proceedings

  • IFLA Satellite Meeting Berlin 1997

Understanding community librarianship

the public library in post-modern Britain

  • Black, Alistair

Designing a medium-sized public library

  • Gran BretagnaDepartment of Education and Science

Parliament and the public libraries

a survey of legislative activity promoting the municipal library service in England and Wales 1850-1976

  • Morris, Roger John Bowring

Civic librarianship

Renewing the social mission of the public library

  • McCabe, Ronald B.

Purchasing library materials in public and school libraries

a study of purchasing procedures and the relationships between libraries and purchasing agencies and dealers ; for the American library Association and the National League of Cities

  • Hensel, Evelyn

Setting objectives for public library services

a manual of public library ojectives

  • Library and information services Council LondraWorking group on public library objectives

Risultati 1-20 di 441