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Risultati 2040-2060 di 11001

La biblioteca della fondazione Piovani

la Collectio Viciana

  • Fondazione Pietro Piovani per gli studi vichianiBiblioteca

A classified list of books in western languages relating to Japan

acquired by the K.B.S. Library during the years 1935-1962

Chaucer's Pardoner's prologue and tale

an annotated bibliography, 1900 to 1995

  • Sutton, Marilyn

L'Humanisme portugais (1500-1580) et l'Europe

exposition bibliografique a la Biblioteque Municipale, Tours 1978

German emblem books, 1531-1888

a bibliography

  • Landwehr, John

A past renewed

a catalog of German-speaking refugee historians in the United States after 1933

  • Epstein, Catherine

Manuel de l'hispanisant

  • Foulché-Delbosc, Raymond

The German bestseller in the 20th century

a complete bibliography and analysis, 1915-1940

  • Richards, Donald Ray

The Yemens

the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen

Bibliographische Kollektivnotizen


  • Viereck, Paul

The Russian Revolution, 1905-1921

a bibliographic guide to works in English

  • Frame, Murray