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Risultati 60-80 di 396

Zechariah 9-14

a new translation with introduction and commentary


a new translation with introduction and commentary

Il profeta del giudizio

  • Rinaldi, Giovanni sacerdote 1906-1994

Quattro libri stravaganti della Bibbia

Giona, Daniele, Kohelet, Ester

  • Bickerman, Elias J.

Jeremiah 21-36

a new translation with introduction and commentary

Jona und der Fisch

der Mythos von Tod und Wiedergeburt

  • Steffen, Uwe

Eusebius of Caesarea's Commentary on Isaiah

Christian exegesis in the age of Constantine

  • Hollerich, Michael J.


a new translation with introduction and commentary

Didyme l'aveugle et l'exégèse allégorique

étude sémantique de quelques termes exégétiques importants de son commentaire sur Zacharie

  • Tigcheler, Jo

Meknowtiwn Esayeay margarei

  • Ioannes Chrysostomus santo

II Maccabees

a new translation with introduction and commentary

Cosmic battle and political conflict

studies in verbal syntax and contextual interpretation of Daniel 8

  • Gzella, Holger