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Risultati 60-80 di 1557

Sea and the combat myth

North West Semitic political mythology in the Hebrew Bible

  • Töyräänvuori, Joanna

Index des mots apparentés dans la Septante

complément des concordances et dictionnaires

  • Jacques, Xavier

Philo of Alexandria

an exegete for his time

  • Borgen, Peder

An introduction to the Old Testament in Greek

with an appendix containing the letter of Aristeas

  • Swete, Henry Barclay

Biblia hebraica Leningradensia

prepared according to the vocalization, accents, and Masora of Aaron ben Moses ben Asher in the Leningrad Codex

Il Pentateuco e Haftaroth

con traduzione italiana e note

Introduzione alla letteratura della Bibbia ebraica

2, Profeti, salmi e libri sapienziali. Alexander Rofé

  • Rofé, Alexander


text, translation, reading and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in ancient Judaism and early Christianity

The restoration of Israel:

a study in exile and return

  • Foster, Raymond Samuel