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Risultati 640-660 di 1557

Abimelech und sein Königtum

diachrone und synchrone Untersuchungen zu Ri 9

  • Jans, Edgar

Sicut cerva

Text, Struktur und Bedeutung von Psalm 42 und 43

  • Dockner, Thomas

Narrative art and poetry in the books of Samuel

a full interpretation based on stylistic and structural analyses

  • Fokkelman, J. P.

The poetics of biblical narrative

ideological literature and the drama of reading

  • Sternberg, Meir

Le chant de l'amour

éros dans la Bible

  • Six, Jean François

The speeches of Micah

a rhetorical-historical analysis

  • Shaw, Charles S.

Solomonʼs prayer

synchrony and diachrony in the composition of I kings 8, 14-61

  • Talstra, Eep

La notte e il suo sole

luce e tenebre nel Libro di Giobbe : analisi simbolica

  • Borgonovo, Gianantonio

Reform und reformen

Untersuchungen zu einem Grundthema der neuteronomistischen Geschichtschreibung

  • Hoffmann, Hans-Detlef

A semiotic analysis of Genesis 2-3

a semiotic theory and method of analysis applied to the story of the Garden of Eden

  • Wolde, E. J.: van

Le livre de Daniel

commentaire philologique du texte araméen

  • Margain, Jean

Biblical Hebrew in transition

language of the Book of Ezekiel

  • Rooker, Mark F.

Synchronic or diachronic?

a debate on method in Old Testament exegesis : papers read at the Ninth joint meeting of Het Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland en Belgie and The society for Old Testament study, held at Kampen, 1994

The alien in israelite law

  • Van Houten, Christiana