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Risultati 100-120 di 2296

The sayings of Jesus

as recorded in the Gospels according to st. Matthew and st. Luke

  • Manson, Thomas Walther

Il Vangelo

  • Tolstoj, Lev Nikolaevic

What are the Gospels?

a comparison with Graeco-Roman biography

  • Burridge, Richard A.

Jesus und die Ehebrecherin

Untersuchungen zur Text- und Überlieferungsgeschichte von Joh. 7,53-8,11

  • Becker, Ulrich

Mito e storia della salvezza

ricerche sulle piu antiche interpretazioni di alcune parabole evangeliche

  • Siniscalco, Paolo

L'esegesi origeniana del Vangelo di Luca

(studio filologico)

  • Lomiento, Gennaro

The Fourth Gospel

interpreted in its relation to contemporaneous religious currents in Palestine and the Hellenistic-oriental world

  • Odeberg, Hugo

The concept of apokatastasis in Acts

a study in primitive Christian theology

  • Parker, James

Fare la verità

analisi fenomenologica di un linguaggio religioso (Giovanni: 2, 23-3, 21)

  • Osculati, Roberto

Theology as history, history as theology

Paul in Ephesus in Acts 19

  • Shauf, Scott

Die Verheissung

Lukas 1

  • Barth, Karl

Risultati 100-120 di 2296