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Risultati 1-14 di 14

Celtic art in Europe

making connections : essays in honour of Vincent Megaw on his 80th birthday

Early celtic art

the catalogue of an exhibition sponsored by the Edinburgh Festival Society and arranged by the Arts Council of Great Britain in association with the Royal Scottish Museum

L'art gaulois

  • Varagnac, André

Celtic art in transition during the first century BC

an examination of the creations of mint masters and metal smiths, and an analysis of stylistic development during the phase between La Tène and Provincial Roman

  • Olmsted, Garrett S.

L'art celtique de la période d'expansion [+]

4. et 3. siècles avant nôtre ère : actes du Colloque organisé sous les auspices du Collège de France et de la 4. section de l'École pratique des hautes études, du 26 au 28 septembre 1978, au Collège de France à Paris

I Celti [+]

  • Duval, Paul-Marie

Arte celtica

modelli e disegni decorativi

  • Zaczek, Ian

Celtic art

  • Kruta, Venceslas

Risultati 1-14 di 14