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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-40 di 86

Database programming languages

8th international workshop, DBPL 2001, Frascati, Italy, September 8-10, 2001 : revised papers

  • International workshop on database programming languages 8. Frascati, Italia 2001

Advanced databased systems

10th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 10 Aberdeen, Scotland, July 1992 Proceedings

Data warehousing and knowledge discovery

5th international conference, DaWaK 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, September 3-5, 2003 : proceedings

  • International conference on data warehousing and knowledge discovery 5. Prague, Czech Republic 2003

Modelli dei dati

linguaggi e sistemi per basi di dati

  • Albano, Antonio

Database systems

a practical reference

  • Palmer, Ian

Data warehousing and knowledge discovery

4th international conference, DaWak 2002, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 4-6, 2002 : proceedings

  • International conference on data warehousing and knowledge discovery 4. Aix-en-Provence, France 2002

XML-based data management and multimedia engineering-EDBT 2002 workshops

EDBT 2002 workshops XMLDM, MDDE, and YRWS, Prague, Czech Republic, March 24-28, 2002 : revised papers

  • International conference on extending database technology Prague, Czech Republic 2002

Transactional information systems

theory, algorithms, and the practice of concurrency control and recovery

  • Weikum, Gerhard

Database systems

the complete book

  • Garcia-Molina, Hector

Advances in spatial and temporal databases

8th international symposium, SSTD 2003, Santorini Island, Greece, July 24-27, 2003 : proceedings

  • International symposium on spatial and temporal databases 8. Santorini Island, Greece 2003

Advances in databases

18th British national conference on databases, BNCOD 18, Chilton, UK, July 9-11, 2001 : Proceedings

I data base

organizzazione logica e realizzazione pratica

  • Lyon, John K.

Constraint databases and applications

Second international workshop on Constraint databases systems, CDB '97, Delphi, Greece, January 11-12, 1997, CP '96 workshop on Constraints and databases, Cambridge, MA, USA, August 19, 1996, Selected Papers

  • Gaede, V.

Advamces in databases and information systems

5th East European conference, ADBIS 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 25-28, 2001 : Proceedings

Database and expert systems applications [+]

10th international conference, DEXA '99 : Florence, Italy, August 30-September 3, 1999 : Proceedings