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Risultati 80-100 di 324


  • Diozzi, Ferruccio

Information systems research

contemporary approaches & emergent traditions : proceedings of the IFIP TC8/WG working conference on the information systems research arena of the 90/s challenges, perceptions and alternative approaches, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14-16 december, 1990

Practical digital libraries

books, bytes and bucks

  • Lesk, Michael

Autori, bibliotecari, open access [+]

osservazioni empiriche e riflessioni su pratiche, comportamenti e ruoli nella piattaforma IRIS dell'Università di Trento

  • Gorian, Rudj

Using technology in the library workplace

an introduction for support staff

  • Shaw, Marie Keen

Reti, memoria e narrazione

archivi e biblioteche digitali tra ricostruzione e racconto

  • Meschini, Federico

Metadati [+]

  • Weston, Paul Gabriele

Information systems

process and practice

Digital information strategies

from applications and content to libraries and people

  • Baker, David 1952-

M-libraries 5

from devices to people

  • Needham, Gill

Managing digital cultural objects

analysis, discovery and retrieval

Is digital different?

how information creation, capture, preservation and discovery are being transformed

Information 2.0

new models of information production, distribution and consumption

  • De Saulles, Martin

Organizing information

principles of data base and retrieval systems

  • Soergel, Dagobert

Information retrieval

computational and theoretical aspects

  • Heaps, H. S.

Integrated online library systems

principles, planning and implementation

  • Genaway, David C.