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Risultati 360-380 di 2717

La terre et la lune

forme extérieure et structure interne

  • Puiseux, Pierre Henri 1855-1928


  • Anania Sirakaci

ESO's early history

the European Southern Observatory from concept to reality

  • Blaauw, Adriaan

Astronomie für Astrologen

zwei Wege zu den Planeten

  • Filbey, John

L' universo ossia il mondo disvelato

carriera degli esseri nel mondo

  • Giraud, Giuseppe

Planetary science in Europe

present state and outlook for the future

Sun and planetary system

proceedings of the sixth european regional meeting in astronomy, held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 19-23 October 1981

  • European regional meeting in astronomy 6. Dubrovnik, Croazia 1981

Nueva teoría cósmica y su aplicación a las ciencias naturales

mecanica celeste, cosmologia, fisica y quimica

  • Ruiz, Mariano N.

Celestial cycles

astronomical concepts of regeneration in the ancient Egyptian coffin texts

  • Wallin, Patrik