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Risultati 20-40 di 243

Planeten, Raketen, Astronauten

das Raumfahrtbuch der Jugend

  • Martell, Gunter

ESA achievements

more than thirty years of pioneering space activity

  • Wilson, Andrew

The physical principles of astronautics

fundamentals of dynamical astronomy and space flight

  • Berman, Arthur I.

Fundamentals of orbital mechanics

  • Pogorelov, Dmitrii Alekseevich

Advocate of space

a lawyer with his sights set on stars and both feet firmly on the ground

  • Creola, Peter

Sweden in space

Swedish space activies 1959-1972

  • Stiernstedt, Jan

Canada's strategies for space

a paradox of opportunity

Switzerland, Europe and space

adventure and imperative

  • Swisse space office

Space race archaeologies

photographs, biographies, and design

Understanding space

an introduction to astronautics

  • Sellers, Jerry Jon

Astronautical engineering and science

from Peenemunde to planetary space : honoring the 50. birthday of Werner von Braun

Humans in outer space

interdisciplinary perspectives