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Risultati 120-140 di 873

Stars, minds and fate [+]

essays in ancient and medieval cosmology

  • North, J. D.

Pseudo-Manetho, Apotelesmatica [+]

books two, three, and six: edited with introduction, translation, and commentary

  • Manetho

Analisi metrica e prosodica dell'esametro maniliano

M. Manilio, Astronomica, l. 1.

  • Liuzzi, Dora

Planets, stars, and orbs

the medieval cosmos : 1200-1687

  • Grant, Edward 1926-2020

Secrets of nature

astrology and alchemy in early modern Europe

The abbreviation of the Introduction to astrology

  • Abū Maʻšar Gaʻfar ben Muḥammad ben ʻUmar al-Balẖi

Cardanos Kosmos

die Welten und Werke eines Renaissance-Astrologen

  • Grafton, Anthony

Manilio fra poesia e scienza

Atti del convegno, Lecce 14-16 maggio 1992

Mesopotamian astrology [+]

an introduction to Babylonian and Assyrian celestial divination

  • Koch-Westenholz, Ulla

The great year

astrology, millenarianism and history in the western tradition

  • Campion, Nicholas


Prophetie und Zeitgeschehen in Texten und Holzschnitten astrologischer Flugschriften, 1488-1528

  • Talkenberger, Heike

Astrologi Hallucinati

Stars and the End of the World in Luther's Time

Die Begriffe 'Astrologie' und 'Astronomie' in der Antike

Wortgeschichte und Wissenschaftssystematik, mit einer Hypothese zum Terminus 'Quadrivium'

  • Hübner, Wolfgang