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Risultati 1-20 di 24

The americanisation of European business

the Marshall Plan and the transfer of US management models

The Marshall Plan revisited [+]

the European Recovery Program in economic perspective

  • Wexler, Imanuel

The second victory

the Marshall Plan and the postwar revival of Europe

  • Donovan, Robert J.

Marshall plan days

  • Kindleberger, Charles P.

From Marshall plan to debt crisis

foreign aid and development choices in the world economy

  • Woodrow, Robert E.

Crossing boundaries

selected writings

  • Hirschman, Albert O.

The Marshall Plan

America, Britain and the reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952

  • Hogan, Michael J.

La rinascita economica dell'Europa

il piano Marshall e l'area alpina

Le Plan Marshall et le relevement economique de l'Europe

colloque tenu a Bercy les 21, 22 et 23 mars 1991

Americas feeble weapon

funding the Marshall Plan in France and Italy, 1948-1950

  • Esposito, Chiarella

Labour under the Marshall plan [+]

The politics of productivity and the marketing of management science

  • Carew, Anthony

The Marshall plan

  • Dulles, Allen Welsh 1893-1969

Il piano Marshall [+]

alle origini della guerra fredda

  • Steil, Benn

Un anno di ERP in Italia

rapporto sull'Italia dell'amministrazione del piano Marschall : Traduzione integrale introduzione e note

ERP Italia

lineamenti di attuazione del Piano Marshall secondo documenti ufficiali americani

Risultati 1-20 di 24