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Risultati 1-20 di 66

Ad crucem

  • Cristina di Lagopesole

Weisheit aus der Wüste

Worte der frühen Christen

Opere ascetiche

  • Basilius Magnus santo

Monks, hermits and the ascetic tradition

papers read at the 1984 Summer meeting and the 1985 Winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical history society /edited by W. J. Sheils

  • Ecclesiastical history society

Holy anorexia

  • Bell, Rudolph M.

Italia ascetica atque monastica

das Asketen- und Mönchtum in Italien von den Anfängen bis zur Zeit der Langobarden (ca. 150/250-604)

  • Jenal, Georg

Asceticism and society in crisis

John of Ephesus and the Lives of Eastern saints

  • Harvey, Susan Ashbrook

Dictionnaire de spiritualité

ascetique et mystique, doctrine et histoire

Ascetic piety and womens faith

essays on late ancient christianity

  • Clark, Elizabeth Ann

Ascesi e cultura

il monachesimo benedettino nel medioevo

  • Prinz, Friedrich

Risultati 1-20 di 66