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Risultati 1-20 di 79

Arts musulmans, extrême-orient

Inde, Indochine, Insulinde, Chine, Japon, Asie centrale, Tibet

L'arte mudéjar

l'estetica islamica nell'arte cristiana

Islamic art and the museum

approaches to art and archeology of the Muslim world in the twenty-first century

The origins of visual culture in the Islamic world

aesthetics, art and architecture in early Islam

  • Hamdouni Alami, Mohammed

The real and ideal Jerusalem in Jewish, Christian and Islamic art

studies in honor of Bezalel Narkiss on the occasion of his seventieth birthday

Arte islamica nei musei fiorentini

  • Battigelli Baldasseroni, Chiara

Agypten Dauer und Wandel

Symposium anlassich des 75jahrigen Bestehens des Deutschen archaologischen Instituts Kairo am 10 und 11 Oktober 1982

El Islam

de Cordoba al Mudejar

  • Borras Gualis, Gonzalo M.

The illustated encyclopedia of Islamic art and architecture

a comprehensive history of Islam's 1400-year legacy of art and design, with 500 photographs, reproductions and fine-art paintings


formes et fonctions dans l'art islamique

  • Grabar, Oleg

Islamic arts

  • Bloom, Jonathan M.

Risultati 1-20 di 79