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Risultati 60-80 di 267

The art of ancient Greece

sources and documents

  • Pollitt, J. J.

Griechischer Mythos und der Orient [+]

Studien zu Ikonographie und Inhalt mythischer Überlieferung

  • Hristov, Hristomir

Pre-Classical [+]

from Crete to archaic Greece

  • Boardman, John 1927-

The Centaurʼs smile

the human animal in early Greek art

Das neue Hellas

Griechen und Bayern zur Zeit Ludwigs 1.

Greek offerings

essays on Greek art in honour of John Boardman

Greek and Roman art

  • Atlantis Antiquities New York

Festschrift fur Nikolaus Himmelmann

Beitrage zur Ikonographie und Hermeneutik

The Greek renaissance in the Roman empire

papers from the tenth British Museum classical colloquium

  • British Museum classical colloquium 10. Londra 1986

Magna Graecia

Greek art from South Italy and Sicily

Arte greca [+]

  • Giuliano, Antonio


  • D'Agostino, Bruno