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Risultati 840-860 di 12779

Law and art

diritto civile e arte contemporanea

  • Donati, Alessandra

Exposition internationale 1914 Beaux-arts

Ville de Lyon : catalogue

  • Exposition internationale Beaux-Arts Lyon 1914

The Pygmalion effect [+]

from Ovid to Hitchcock

  • Stoichiƫă, Victor Ieronim


Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes : Paris 1925 : Catalogue

Exposition internationale des arts décoratifs et industriels modernes, Paris 1925

Section du Royaume des serbes, croates et slovenès : catalogue officiel

Art rethought

the social practices of art

  • Wolterstorff, Nicholas

La Biennale di Venezia

storia e statistiche : con l'indice generale degli artisti espositori dal 1895 al 1932

17. Esposizione biennale internazionale d'arte, 1930


  • Esposizione biennale internazionale d'arte 17. Venezia 1930


mega art & installations

The glory of Venice

art in the eighteenth century : Royal Academy of arts, London, 1994 - National Gallery of art, Washington, 1995

Rethinking the vanguard

aesthetic and political positions in the modernist debate, 1917-1962

  • Maerhofer, John W.

The age of Rubens

diplomacy, dynastic politics and the visual arts in early seventeenth-century Europe

Sguardi sul passato

  • Kandinskij, Vasilij Vasilʹevič

The melancholy art

  • Holly, Michael Ann