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Risultati 100-120 di 302


his life and school

  • Natali, Carlo 1948-

Gut des Menschen

Untersuchungen zur Problematik und Entwicklung der Glücksethik bei Aristoteles und in der Tradition des Peripatos

  • Szaif, Jan

L'arte del vivere

aspetti dell'etica aristotelica ed epicurea

  • Alberti, Antonina

Husserl e Aristotele [+]

coscienza immaginazione mondo

  • Tinaburri, Egidio

Episteme, etc.

essays in honour of Jonathan Barnes

Aristotleʼs concept of chance

accidents, cause, necessity, and determinism

  • Dudley, John

Aristotle, on the life-bearing spirit (De spiritu) [+]

A discussion with Plato and his predecessors on Pneuma as the instrumental body of the soul

  • Bos, Abraham P.

Fisica del movimento e teoria dell'infinito

analisi critica di Aristotele, Phys. 3.

  • Giardina, Giovanna R.

The activity of being

an essay on Aristotleʼs ontology

  • Kosman, Aryeh

Forms and concepts [+]

concept formation in the Platonic tradition

  • Helmig, Christoph

Risultati 100-120 di 302