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Risultati 20-40 di 265

Proceedings of the ninth international conference on information knowledge management

CIKM 2000, November 6-11, 2000, McLean, VA

  • International conference on information knowledge management 9. McLean, VA, USA 2000

Database and XML technologies

second international XML database symposium, XSym 2004, Toronto, Canada, August 29-30, 2004 : proceedings

  • International XML database symposium 2. Toronto, Canada 2004

Database programming languages

8th international workshop, DBPL 2001, Frascati, Italy, September 8-10, 2001 : revised papers

  • International workshop on database programming languages 8. Frascati, Italia 2001

Data mining with ontologies

implementations, findings, and frameworks

Current trends in database technology - EDBT 2004 workshops

EDBT 2004 workshops PhD, DataX, PIM, P2P & DB, and ClustWeb, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, March 14-18, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International conference on extending database technology 9. Heraklion, Grecia 2004

Semantic web and databases

second international workshop, SWDB 2004, Toronto, Canada, August 29-30, 2004 : revised selected papers

  • International workshop on semantic web and databases 2. Toronto, Canada 2004

Next generation databases

NoSQL, NewSQL, and big data

  • Harrison, Guy

Database and expert systems applications

16th international conference, DEXA 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-26, 2005 : proceedings

  • International conference on database and expert systems applications 16. Copenhagen, Denmark 2005

Advances in databases and information systems

8th east european conference, ADBIS 2004, Budapest, Hungary, September 22-25, 2004 : proceedings

  • East european conference on advances in databases and information systems 8. Budapest 2004

Intelligent data engineering and automated learning - IDEAL 2005

6th international conference, Brisbane, Australia, July 6-8, 2005 : proceedings

  • International conference on intelligent data engineering and automated learning 6. Brisbane, Australia 2005

Foundations of information and knowledge systems

second international symposium, FoIKS 2002, Salzau Castle, Germany, February 20-23, 2002 : proceedings

  • International symposium on foundations of information and knowledge systems 2nd Salzau Castle, Germany 2002

Modelli dei dati

linguaggi e sistemi per basi di dati

  • Albano, Antonio

SIGIR 2001

proceedings of the 24. annual International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval : New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, September 9-13, 2001

  • International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval 24. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 2001

Basi di dati

  • Wiederhold, Gio

XML-based data management and multimedia engineering-EDBT 2002 workshops

EDBT 2002 workshops XMLDM, MDDE, and YRWS, Prague, Czech Republic, March 24-28, 2002 : revised papers

  • International conference on extending database technology Prague, Czech Republic 2002

Transactional information systems

theory, algorithms, and the practice of concurrency control and recovery

  • Weikum, Gerhard

Advances in spatial and temporal databases

8th international symposium, SSTD 2003, Santorini Island, Greece, July 24-27, 2003 : proceedings

  • International symposium on spatial and temporal databases 8. Santorini Island, Greece 2003