Cerca per titolo, autore, soggetto

Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1-9 di 9

List of Uniform Titles for Liturgical Works of the Latin Rites of the Catholic Church

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsWorking group on uniform headings for liturgical works

Anonymous classics

a list of uniform headings for European literatures

  • International federation of library associations and institutions

Linee guida per registrazioni di autorità e di rinvio

precedentemente: Guidelines for authority and reference entries, raccomandate dal Working group on an international authority system approvate dagli standing committees dell'IFLA Section on cataloguing e dell'IFLA Section on information technology

  • International federation of library associations and institutions

Guidelines for authority records and references

recommended by the Working Group on an international authority system; approved by the Standing Committees of the Ifla section on cataloguing and the Ifla section on information technology

Personennamen des Mittelalters

PMA : Namensformen fur 13000 Personen gemäss den Regeln für die Alphabetische Katalogisierung (RAK)

Lista di intestazioni uniformi di enti stranieri

  • Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele II, Roma


autori cattolici e opere liturgiche : una lista di autorità = catholic authors and liturgical works : an authority list

Risultati 1-9 di 9