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Risultati 1-20 di 23

Guidelines for authority and reference entries

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsWorking group on guidelines for subject authority files


lista di autorita degli enti presenti nella bibliografia nazionale italiana del 1981

Linee guida per registrazioni di autorità e di rinvio

precedentemente: Guidelines for authority and reference entries, raccomandate dal Working group on an international authority system approvate dagli standing committees dell'IFLA Section on cataloguing e dell'IFLA Section on information technology

  • International federation of library associations and institutions

Authority control [+]

  • Guerrini, Mauro 1953-

Guidelines for authority records and references

recommended by the Working Group on an international authority system; approved by the Standing Committees of the Ifla section on cataloguing and the Ifla section on information technology

Authority control: the key to tomorrows catalog

proceedings of the 1979 Library and Information Technology Association Institutes

International cooperation in the field of authority data

an analytical study with recommendations

  • Bourdon, Françoise

Authority control: definizione ed esperienze internazionali [+]

atti del Convegno internazionale, Firenze, 10-12 febbraio 2003

Record of workshop on authority control among Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages

held at National Institute of Informatics (NII) in cooperation with National Diet Library : January 10-11, 2001/March 28-29, 2001

  • Workshop on Authority control among Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages 1. Tokyo 2001

UNIMARC manual [+]

authorities format


autori cattolici e opere liturgiche : una lista di autorità = catholic authors and liturgical works : an authority list

Direttive per le voci di autorità

  • International federation of library associations and institutions


universal format for authorities

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsSteering group on a UNIMARC format for authorities

Functional requirements for authority data

a conceptual model : final report, december 2008

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsWorking group on functional requirements and numbering of authority records

Requisiti funzionali per i dati di autorità

un modello concettuale : relazione finale, dicembre 2008, approvata dagli Standing Committee dell'IFLA cataloguing section e dell'IFLA classification and indexing section, marzo 2009

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsWorking group on functional requirements and numbering of authority records (FRANAR)

Strutturazione dei dati delle schede di catalogo

archivio controllato : autore/Bibliografia

  • Istituto centrale per il catalogo e la documentazione


formato conciso per dati di autorità : edizione italiana

Functional requirements for subject authority data (FRSAD)

a conceptual model

  • International federation of library associations and institutionsWorking group on the functional requirements for subject authority records (FRSAR)

Funktionale Anforderungen an Normdaten

ein konzeptionelles Modell : Abschlussbericht Dezember 2008

Risultati 1-20 di 23