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Risultati 1-20 di 33

Guide to New York City landmarks

  • New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission

New York 1930

architecture and urbanism between the two world wars

  • Stern, Robert A. M.

Frank O. Gehry per il waterfront di Lower Manhattan

il progetto di modifica in una città sull'acqua

  • Dato Toscano, Zaira

Classical New York [+]

discovering Greece and Rome in Goyham

New York

a critic's guide to 100 iconic buildings in New York from 1999 to 2020

  • Belogolovskij, Vladimir

Counter institution

activist estates of the Lower East Side

  • Bagchee, Nandini

World Trade Center

una sfida per il futuro

  • Skinner, Peter

Imagining Ground Zero [+]

official and unofficial proposals for the World Trade Center competition

  • Stephens, Suzanne

Immaginare Ground Zero

progetti e proposte per l'area del World Trade Center

  • Stephens, Suzanne

New York

nomadic design

  • Christ, Ronald


costruire il vuoto

  • Agnoletto, Matteo

New York 1900

metropolitan architecture and urbanism 1890-1915

  • Stern, Robert A. M.

Sidewalk critic

Lewis Mumfords writings on New York

  • Mumford, Lewis

The architecture of New York city [+]

histories and views of important structures, sites, and symbols

  • Reynolds, Donald Martin

Manhattan architecture

  • Berenholtz, Richard

Manhattan moves uptown

an illustrated history

  • Lockwood, Charles 1948-2012

Risultati 1-20 di 33