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Risultati 640-660 di 1056


9 international architecture exhibition

  • Mostra internazionale di architettura 9. Venezia 2004

Plans, sections and elevations

key buildings of the twentieth century

  • Weston, Richard

Architectural expressions

A photographic Reassessment of fun in architecture

  • Mackertich, Tony

Ecstatic architecture

the surprising link

  • Jencks, Charles

Bianchi intonaci

  • Gori-Montanelli, Lorenzo

Inside outside

between architecture and landscape

  • Berrizbeitia, Anita

C20th century architecture

the structures that shaped the twentieth century

  • Glancey, Jonathan

UID ved Henrik Valeur

Udstillingen '99 i Gammel Dok fra den 23. januar til den 28. februar 1999

Architecture expressionism today

intervista con Manfredi Nicoletti

  • Di Stefano, Cristina

Architecture in transition

between deconstruction and new modernism

Cloud ’68

Paper Voice : Smiljan Radic's Collection of Radical Architecture with interviews by Hans Ulrich Obrist