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Risultati 1-20 di 46

Der Parthenon

  • Michaelis, Adolf Theodor Friedrich

Le Parthénon

l'histoire, l'architecture et la sculpture

  • Collignon, Maxime

Arsenalet i Piræus og Oldtidens Byggeregler

en teknisk, matematisk, arkitektonisk, skibsbygningsteknisk, topografisk, filologisk, historisk og æstetisk Undersøgelse

  • Marstrand, Vilhelm

The Erechtheion at Athens

fragments of Athenian architecture and a few remains in Attica, Megara, and Epirus

  • Inwood, Henry William

Gli epistati dell'Acropoli

edilizia sacra nella città di Pericle 447/6-433/2 a.C.

  • Marginesu, Giovanni

The Parthenon

from antiquity to the present

The Athenian acropolis

history, mythology, and archaeology from the neolithic era to the present

  • Hurwit, Jeffrey Mark

Die Akropolis von Athen

nach den Berichten der Alten und den neusten Erforschungen

  • Boetticher, Adolf


die baugeschichtliche Entwicklung des Heiligtumes

  • Noack, Ferdinand 1865-1931

L'Acropole [+]

le plateau supérieur, l'Erechteion, les annexes sud

  • Picard, Charles

L'acropole d'Athènes

  • Beulé, Charles Ernest

Risultati 1-20 di 46