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Risultati 1-13 di 13

Hellenistic palaces

tradition and renewal

  • Nielsen, Inge


die erste Königsstadt der hellenistischen Welt : Bilder aus der Nilmetropole von Alexander dem Großen bis Kleopatra 7.

  • Grimm, Gunter


  • Martin, Roland 1912-1997

Hellenistic architectural sculpture

figural motifs in Western Anatolia and the Aegean Islands

  • Webb, Pamela A.

Munus non ingratum

proceedings of the international symposium on Vitruvius' De architectura and the Hellenistic and Republican architecture : Leiden, 23-23 january 1987

  • International symposium on Vitruvius' De architectura and the Hellenistic and Republican architecture Leida 1987

Risultati 1-13 di 13