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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 680-700 di 3680

Gli impianti ospedalieri

guida alla progettazione integrata

  • Martinazzoli, Giovanni

Gli impianti sportivi

guida alla programmazione e alla progettazione

  • Carrara, Gianfranco

Gli uffici

  • Guglielmi, Ettore

Big shed

  • Pryce, Will

Attrezzature collettive

progettazione e costruzione

Intelligent spaces

architecture for the information age

  • Riewoldt, Otto

Selected architecture [+]

public buildings, private residences

Bernardo Buontalenti

l'architettura, la guerra e l'elemento geometrico

  • Fara, Amelio


la cultura dell'utile

  • Borsi, Franco

Thermae et balnea

the architecture and cultural history of Roman public baths

  • Nielsen, Inge

Public assembly structures from the antiquity to the present

proceedings of the IASS-MSU international symposium, May 24-28 Istambul, Turkiye

  • International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures

35 small buildings

from the pages of Architectural record

Quaternario Award

IAITA 1993 : International award for innovative technology in architecture : Singapore 1993

  • International award for innovative technology in architecture 3 1993 Singapore

All together now

the co-living and co-working revolution

  • Cleaver, Naomi