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Risultati 4060-4080 di 16098

Architecture [+]

action and plan

  • Cook, Peter

American architecture


  • Whiffen, Marcus


architecture for the late twentieth century landscape

  • Archer, B. J.

Shaker architecture

  • Schiffer, Herbert

The art and architecture of London

an illustrated guide

  • Saunders, Ann

Calatrava Berlin

five projects

  • Calatrava, Santiago

Immagini del Novecento

Milano architetture 1919-1939

  • Basilico, Gabriele

Pioneers of Soviet architecture

the search for new solutions in the 1920s and 1930s

  • Chan-Magomedov, Selim Omarovic

Les projets de l'an 2.

concours d'architecture de la periode revolutionnaire

  • Szambien, Werner

Nostalgia of culture

contemporary soviet visionary architecture


international constructivist architecture, 1922-1939

  • Ingberman, Sima

Emil Hoppe, Marcel Kammerer, Otto Schonthal

Three architects from the Master Class of Otto Wagner

  • Whyte, Iain Boyd

Space is the machine [+]

a configurational theory of architecture

  • Hillier, Bill

Around Barcelona

the best contemporary architecture

  • Guallart, Vicente

Relazione su cento lavori

l'attivita di cantiere della Soprintendenza per i beni ambientali e architettonici della Liguria, 1982-1993

  • ItaliaSoprintendenza per i beni ambientali e architettonici della Liguria

Source book of American architecture [+]

500 notable buildings from the 10. century to the present

  • Smith, George Everard Kidder

Baupolitik im Reichsland Elsass Lothringen 1871-1918

die reprasentativen Staatsbauten um den ehemaligen Kaiserplatz in Strassburg

  • Nohlen, Klaus