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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 3040-3060 di 16098

Modern architecture

romanticism and reintegration

  • Hitchcock, Henry-Russell


conoscenza e intuizione in architettura

  • Pinagli, Maria Gabriella

Construire avec le peuple

histoire d'un village d'Egypte, Gourna

  • Fathy, Hassan

Southern Comfort

the Garden District of New Orleans, 1800-1900

The technology of historic american buildings

studies of the materials, craft process, and the mechanization of building construction

Bedford Square

an architectural study

  • Byrne, Andrew

Education of an architect

The Irwin S. Chanin School of architecture of the Cooper Union

  • The Cooper UnionThe Irwin S. Chanin school of architecture

Tempo e architettura

  • Università degli studi La Sapienza RomaDipartimento di progettazione architettonica e urbana

Le città immaginate

un viaggio in Italia : nove progetti per nove città

  • Triennale di Milano 17. 1983-1988