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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 268

Archaeology and history of the middle ages

  • International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences 13. Forlì 1996

Enregistrer la fouille archéologique

le système élaboré pour le site de Lattes (Hérault)

La datation du passe

la mesure du temps en archéologie

  • Giot, Pierre-Roland

Reconstructing archaeological sites

understanding the geoarchaeological matrix

  • Karkanas, Panagiotis

Metodologie nella ricerca topografica

atti del primo congresso di topografia antica : Roma, 13-15 maggio 1993 : proceedings of the first congress of ancient topography : Rome, 13-15 May 1993

  • Congresso di topografia antica 1. Roma 1993

La technique des fouilles archéologiques

les principes généraux

  • Du Mesnil du Buisson, Robert

Organic contents of ancient vessels

materials analysis and archaeological investigation

Archaeological approaches to the present

models for reconstructing the past

  • Yellen, John E.

Atti del seminario Geofisica per l'archeologia

Porano, 21-23 settembre 1988

  • Seminario Geofisica per l'archeologia Porano 1988