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Risultati 20-40 di 112

Les populations anciennes du Sahara et des regions limitrophes

étude des restes osseux humains néolithiques et protohistoriques

  • Chamla, Marie-Claude

A guide to the antiquities of the stone age

in the department of British and Mediaeval antiquities

Prehistoric village archaeology in south-eastern Turkey

the eighth millenium B.C. site at Çöyönü, : its chipped and ground stone industries and faunal remains

The wear and tear of flint

principles of functional analysis applied to Dutch neolithic assemblages

  • Gijn, Anne Louise van

La préhistoire du Jura et l'Europe néolithique

en 100 mots-clés : 5300-2100 av. J.-C.

  • Petrequin, Pierre

Le Néolithique du Nord-Ouest méditerranéen

  • Congrès préhistorique de France 24. Carcassonne 1994

Aux marges des grands foyers du Néolithique

périphéries débitrices ou créatrices ?

Femmes néolithiques

le genre dans les premières sociétés agricoles

  • Augereau, Anne

Neolithic Alepotrypa cave in the Mani, Greece

in honor of George Papathanassopoulos

Contacts, boundaries & innovation in the fifth millennium

exploring developed Neolithic societies in central Europe and beyond

The first farming communities of the Adriatic

pottery production and circulation in the early and middle neolithic

  • Spataro, Michela

Settlement patterns

between the Alps and the Black Sea 5. to 2. millenium B.C. : symposium, Verona, Lazise, 1992