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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 400-420 di 4925

La decouverte du Laocoon

  • Essen, Carel Claudius van

Akten des 13. Internationalen Kongresses für klassische Archäologie

Berlin 1988

  • Internationaler Kongress für klassische Archäologie 13. Berlin 1988

Archeologia e conservazione

teorie, metodologie e pratiche di cantiere : theories, methodologies and field practices

  • Dezzi Bardeschi, Chiara

Die Palastkeramik

  • VoigtländerWalter


teorie, metodi, strumenti

  • Vidale, Massimo


contenitori da magazzino e da trasporto tra 10. e 14. secolo : lo Status Questionis

  • Berti, Graziella

Beyond the Romans

posthuman perspectives in Roman archaeology

Fashions of the past ... ancient Greek dress

illustrated from the collections of the Walters art gallery

  • Walters Art Gallery Baltimora

The dance in classical times

illustrated from the collections of the Walters Art Gallery

  • Walters Art Gallery Baltimora

Ancora sui ritratti di Valente

  • Floriani Squarciapino, Maria

Ancient stones

quarrying, trade and provenance : interdisciplinary studies on stones and stone technology in Europe and Near East from the prehistoric to the early Christian period

  • Waelkens, Marc

La colonna coclide istoriata

problemi storici iconografici stilistici

  • Becatti, Giovanni

I modelli del moderato

la Stoà Poikile e l'Hephaisteion di Atene

  • Cruciani, Claudia