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Risultati 1-20 di 467

Rassegna del mondo arabo

organo dell'Ufficio della Lega degli Stati arabi a Roma

Mastro don Gesualdo


  • Verga, Giovanni 1840-1922

Routes d'Arabie

archéologie et histoire du royaume d'Arabie Saoudite


Geschichte einer christlichen Insel im Indischen Ozean vom Altertum bis zur frühen Neuzeit

  • Biedermann, Zoltán

Araby the blest

studies in Arabian archaeology

Drinking the sea at Gaza

days and nights in a land under siege

  • Hass, Amira

The Arabs

  • Atiyah, Edward


Arabs recount Arabia before Islam

  • Mascitelli, Daniele

Nel cuore dell'Arabia Felice

con Jacopo Gasparini nello Yemen

  • Rava, Massimo

Yemenite Jewry

origins, culture, and literature

  • Ahroni, Reuben


nach al-Hamdani's "Beschreibung der arabischen Halbinsel"

  • Forrer, Ludwig

Arabia and the Arabs

from the bronze age to the coming of Islam

  • Hoyland, Robert G.

The Hinterland of Sohar

archaeological surveys and excavations within the region of an Oman seafaring city

  • Costa, Paolo M. 1932-

Risultati 1-20 di 467