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Risultati 200-220 di 819

La figura e l'opera di Lucifero di Cagliari

una rivisitazione : atti del 1. Convegno internazionale : Cagliari, 5-7 dicembre 1996

  • Convegno internazionale su La figura e l'opera di Lucifero di Cagliari 1. Cagliari 1996

The reasonableness of christianity

as delivered in the scriptures

  • Locke, John 1632-1704

Clement of Alexandria and his use of Philo in the Stromateis

an early Christian reshaping of a Jewish model

  • Hoek, Annewies: van den

Opere scelte

  • Hieronymus santo

Dialectic and narrative in Aquinas

an interpretation of the Summa contra gentiles

  • Hibbs, Thomas S.

Hugo Grotius as apologist for the Christian religion

a study of his work De veritate religionis Christianae, 1640

  • Heering, Jan-Paul

Johannes 1. Sedra

Einleitung, syrische Texte, Übersetzung und vollständiges Wörterverzeichnis

  • Iohannes: Anthiochenus patriarca 1.

Contre les heresies

denonciation et refutation de la gnose au nom menteur

  • Irenaeus santo

Scorpiace [+]

  • Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens

L'ortodossia [+]

  • Chesterton, Gilbert Keith