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Risultati 1-20 di 49

L'évolution du système nerveux

  • Beaunis, Henry Etienne 1830-1921

Synaptic function

  • Neurosciences Institute

Elements of neurogeometry

functional architectures of vision

  • Petitot, Jean

What's wrong with my mouse?

behavioral phenotyping of transgenic and knockout mice

  • Crawley, Jacqueline N.

Mechanisms of integration in the nervous system

based on a discussion meeting held in Wakulla Springs in March 1984

Changing concepts of the nervous system

proceedings of the First Institute of Neurological Sciences Symposium in Neurobiology

  • Institute of Neurological Sciences Symposium in Neurobiology 1980

Précis de biologie humaine

les bases organiques du comportement et de la pensée : propédeutique biologique des étudiants en psychologie et sciences humaines

  • Chauchard, Paul

The functional organization of the compound eye

proceedings of the international symposium held in Stockholm, October 1965

Die Hauptreflexe der Amphibien

Frosch und Kröte

  • Baglioni, Silvestro 1876-1957

Sensory exotica

delfini, api, pipistrelli e i loro sistemi sensoriali

  • Hughes, Howard C.

Biology of sensory systems

  • Smith, Christopher Upham Murray

Learning and memory

a biological view

Risultati 1-20 di 49