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Risultati 20-40 di 90

Etude monographique sur Hibiscus Esculentus

(Abelmoschos esculetuntus[L.]Mey.)

  • Olteanu, Rodica

The Genus Nicotiana

origins, relationships and evolution of its species in the light of their distribution, morphology and cytogenetics

  • Goodspeed, Thomas Harper

Water plants of the world

a manual for the identification of the genera of freshwater macrophytes

The orchids

a scientific survey

  • Withner, Carl L.

The genus Crepis

  • Babcock, Ernest Brown 1877-1954


generis Hieraciorum

  • Fries, Elias

Amorphophallus titanum

il gigante delle foreste di Sumatra

  • Giordano, Cristiana

A monograph of ebenaceae

  • Hiern, William Philip