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Risultati 300-320 di 2685

Miologia ed angiologia

  • Thane, George Dancer 1850-1930

Ventisei fogli della Royal Library di Windsor

vasi, muscoli, cervello e nervi, anatomia topografica e comparata

  • Leonardo da Vinci

The periodontium

  • Schroeder, Hubert E.

The human diencephalon

a summary of development, structure, function, and pathology

  • Kuhlenbeck, Hartwig

Atlas d’ostéologie

comprenant les articulations des os et les insertions musculaires

  • Debierre, Charles

Trattato elementare di anatomia descrittiva e di preparazioni anatomiche

desunto dai più accreditati lavori italiani e stranieri

  • Strambio, Gaetano

Cajal on the cerebral cortex

an annotated translation of the complete writings

  • Ramón y Cajal, Santiago

The anatomy of the nervous system [+]

its development and function

  • Ranson, Stephen Walter

Le réflexe pilomoteur

étude anatomo-clinique sur le systéme sympathique

  • Thomas, André 1867-