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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 60-80 di 341

Operator spaces

  • Effros, Edward G.

Convex analysis

  • Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell

Interpolation Spaces

an introduction

  • Bergh, Jöran

Nonlinearity and functional analysis

lectures on nonlinear problems in mathematical analysis

  • Berger, Melvyn Stuart

Analyse Fonctionnelle

  • Kantorovich, Leonid Vital'evich

Functional analysis

theory and applications

  • Edwards, Robert E

A survey on the theoretical and numerical trends in nonlinear analysis

atti del 3 seminario di analisi funzionale ed applicazioni, (S.A.F.A. III) : (Bari, 27 settembre - 5 ottobre 1978)

  • Seminario di analisi funzionale ed applicazioni 3. 1978 Bari

Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces

[proceedings of the symposium in pure mathematics of the American mathematical society held at Williams college, Williamstown, Massachusetts, July 31-August 18, 1972]

  • Symposium in pure mathematics of the American mathematical society 26. Williamstown, Massachusetts 1972