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Risultati 1-20 di 136

Sumario de la historia natural de las Indias

  • Fernández de Oviedo y Valdès, Gonzalo

Die Hauptstadte Zentralamerikas

Wachstumsprobleme, Gestaltwandel und Sozialgefuge

  • Sandner, Gerhard


die Länderbrücke im karibischen Raum

  • Helfritz, Hans

El libro de las efemérides, tomo 6

capítulos de la historia de la América Central

  • Hernández de León, F.

El libro de las efemérides, tomo 5

capítulos de la historia de la América Central

  • Hernández de León, F.

Manifest destinies

the making of the Mexican American race

  • Gómez, Laura E.

La conquista dell'America

il problema dell'altro

  • Todorov, Tzvetan

The door of the seas and key to the universe

Indian politics and imperial rivalry in the Darien : 1640-1750

  • Gallup-Diaz, Ignacio

Germany in Central America

competitive imperialism, 1821-1929

  • Schoonover, Thomas

States and social evolution

coffee and the rise of national governments in Central America

  • Williams, Robert G.

Land, power and poverty

agrarian transformation and political conflict in Central America

  • Brockett, Charles D.

Close neighbors, distant friends

United States - central american relations

  • Findling, John E.

Risultati 1-20 di 136