Cerca per titolo, autore, soggetto

Risultati ricerca

Risultati 80-100 di 120

L'environnement en France

approche regionale

  • Institut français de l'environnement

Eating planet

nutrirsi oggi: una sfida per l'uomo e per il pianeta : 2012

  • Barilla Center for food & nutrition

Ambiente e dinamica globale

scienza, economia e tecnologia a confronto

Economics, growth and sustainable environments

essays in memory of Richard Lecomber

Economia e ambiente

  • Società italiana degli economisti

Economy and environment

a theoretical essay on the interdependence ofeconomic and environmental systems

  • Perrings, Charles

Economia e ambiente

saggi scelti

  • Kapp, Karl William

For the common good

redirecting the economy toward community, the environment, and a sustainable future

  • Daly, Herman E.

Ambivalent joint production and the natural environment

an economic and thermodynamic analysis

  • Baumgärtner, Stefan

Ambiente, comunicazione, societa'

negoziare il futuro sostenibile

Pianeta in prestito

energia - entropia - economia

  • Tronconi, Pier Attilio

Financing change

the financial community, eco-efficiency, and sustainable development

  • Schmidheiny, Stephan

Ambiente e confusione

segnali per il futuro

  • Gerstenfeld, Manfred

National income and nature

externalities, growth and steady state