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Risultati 1240-1260 di 2952

Notions essentielles de pathologie apicole

vade-mecum de l'apiculteur

  • Brizard, A.


  • Gilbert, Francis Sylvest

Bees and wasps

  • Latter, Oswald Hawkins

Chrysididae (Tubulifera)

  • Dalla Torre, Karl Wilhelm von

Dècapodes marcheurs

  • Bouvier, Eugène-Louis 1856-1944

Diptères (Nématocères) [+]

Chironomidae 3 : Chironomariae

  • Goetghebuer, Maurice

XI. Internationaler Kongress für Entomologie [+]

Wien, 1960 : Verhandlungen

  • International congress of entomology 11. Wien 1960


1, Allgemeiner teil, gattungsschlüssel, die gattungen apis, bombus und psithyrus

  • Amiet, Felix

Francesco Redi e il problema delle galle

un manoscritto inedito e la relativa iconografia

  • Santini, Luciano

Insect predator-prey dynamics

ladybird beetles and biological control

  • Dixon, Anthony Frederick George

Biotaxonomy of Tephritoidea

proceedings of the First tephritidologist meeting, Israel, 28 May-2 June, 2000

  • Tephritidologist Meeting 1. Tel Aviv 2000