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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 820-840 di 2952


  • Belfiore, Carlo

Family Canaceidae

  • Wirth, Willis Wagner


  • Cressey, Roger F.


  • Istituto agronomico per l'Oltremare

Behavioral ecology of insect parasitoids

from theoretical approaches to field applications

Family Streblidae

  • Wenzel, Rupert L.

Storia naturale degli insetti

desunta da Linneo, Fabricius, Reaumur, Geoffroy, Degeer, Roesel ec., redatta giusta il metodo di Olivier con note e osservazioni

  • Tigny, F. Martin Grostête de

Family Sphaeroceridae


  • Richards, Owain Westmacott

Diptéres Chironomidae IV

(Orthocladiinae, Corynoneurinae, Clunioninae, Diamesinae)

  • Goethghebuer, Maurice


  • Chevreux, Édouard

Aspects of Decapod crustacean biology

the proceedings of a symposium held at the Zoological society of London on 8th and 9th April 1987