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Risultati 1940-1960 di 4099

Akten des zweiten deutschen Keltologen-Symposiums

(Bonn, 2.-4. April 1997)

  • Deutsches Keltologen-Symposium 2. Bonn 1997

Neoaramaico, Curdo e Armeno

lingue a contatto

  • Pennacchietti, Fabrizio A.

Palitra stilej ; Палитра стилей

ucebnoe posobie po stilistike russkogo jazika dlja inostrancev : учебное пособие по стилистике русского языка для иностранцев

  • Afanas'eva, N. A.

The history of the celtic language

wherein it is shown to be based upon natural principles, and, elementarily considered, contemporaneous with the infancey of the human family ...

  • Maclean, Lachlan

Die erste Botorrita-Inschrift

Interpretation eines keltiberischen Sprachdenkmals

  • Meid, Wolfgang

The death of the Irish language

a qualified obituary

  • Hindley, Reg

Irish for the people [+]

a handbook of Irish for the adult

  • Mac An Bheatha, Proinsias

Rannjaja persidskaja leksikografija

XI-XV vv.

  • Baevskij, Solomon I.

Celtic language, celtic culture

a Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp

Degrees of explicitness

information structure and the packaging of Bulgarian subjects and objects

  • Leafgren, John

Studie zum Candravyakarana

eine kritische Bearbeitung von Candra IV.4.52-148 und V.2

  • Oberlies, Thomas


Proben eines Maiya-Dialektes aus Tangir (Hindukusch)

  • Buddruss, Georg

Russko-armjanskij frazeologiceskij slovar'

(soderzit okolo 5600 frazeologizmov russkogo jazyka i 1670 variantov)