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Risultati 320-340 di 4099

Languages and scripts

  • Singh, Kumar Suresh

Focaloir gaoidhilge-sags-bhearla, or An Irish-English dictionary

whererof the Irish part hath been compiled not only from various Irish vocabularies, particularly that of Mr. Edward Lhuyd, but also from a great variety of the best Irish manuscripts now extant ...

  • O'Brien, John

Structural studies in modern Welsh syntax

aspects of the grammar of Kate Roberts

  • Shisha-Halevy, Ariel

Jacob Grimm und Vuk Karadzic

ein Vergleich ihrer Sprachauffassungen und ihre Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der serbischen Grammatik

  • Bojic, Vera

Slovari inostrannyh jazykov v russkom azbukovnike XVII veka

issledovanie, teksty i kommentarii

  • Alekseev, Mihail Pavlovic

Rcy slovo tverdo ; Рчи слово твердо

hrestomatija po principam publikacii i perevoda drevnerusskih tekstov v pervyh naucnyh izdanijah XIX-nacala XX vv. : хрестоматия по принципам публикации и перевода древнерусских текстов в первых научных изданиях XIX-начала XX вв.

  • Fedotov, Viktor Viktorovic

Cultura sánscrita

memoria del Primer Simposio internacional de lengua sánscrita

  • Simposio internacional de lengua sanscrita 1. Città del Messico 1982