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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 140-160 di 295

Logique des topos

introduction à la théorie des topos élémentaires

  • Schlomiuk, Dana I.

Algebraic operads

  • Loday, Jean-Louis

Operator algebras and applications

[proceedings of the Symposium in Pure Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society held at Queens University, Kingston, Ontario July 14 - August 2, 1980]

  • Symposium in pure mathematics 38. Kingstone, Ontario 1980

On the generalization of the isoparity

  • Biedenharn, Lawrence Christian

Homotopy theory

  • Whitehead, George William

Local cohomology

a seminar, Harvard university, fall 1961

  • Grothendieck, Alexander

Lectures on probability theory and statistics

Ecole d'Eté de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXVIII - 1998

  • Émery, Michel

Groupes et algebres de Lie

Chapitre III: Groupes de Lie (état 5)

  • Bourbaki, Nicolas