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Risultati 40-60 di 693

Il verde di Cagliari

guida alle piante e ai giardini della cittá

  • Vannelli, Siro

Bäume und Sträucher

Laub, Knospen, Blüten, Früchte

  • Mülberger, Marian Hedwig

Die Laubgehölze

alphabetisches Verzeichnis nebst Beschreibung und Bewertung der in Deutschland winterharten Laubgehölze : eine Dendrologie für die Praxis

  • Krüssmann, Gerd

Nouvelles recherches sur l'accroissement en épaisseur des arbres

essai d'une théorie physiologique de leur croissance concentrique et excentrique

  • Jaccard, Paul


  • Serre, Jean Pierre

A new tree biology

facts, photos, and philosophies on trees and their problems and proper care

  • Shigo, Alex Lloyd

A new tree biology dictionary

terms, topics, and treatments for trees and their problems and proper care

  • Shigo, Alex Lloyd

North American trees

exclusive of Mexico and Tropical United States

  • Preston, Richard J.

Les travaux du bois

a l'usage des entrepreneurs, charpentiers, ébénistes, charrons et commerçants

  • Marchand, Philippe

Ninth colloquium on trees in algebra and programming

5-7 march 1984, Bordeaux, France

  • Colloquium on trees in algebra and programming 9. Bordeaux 1984

Dall'albero cosmico all'albero casa

viaggio nel mondo di una straordinaria creatura

  • Firrone, Tiziana