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Risultati 1-20 di 172

Gartenbauliche Pflanzenzuchtung

Zuchtung von Gemuse, Obst und Zierpflanzen

  • Kuckuck, Hermann

Mutations in plant breeding

proceedings of a Panel on co-ordination of research on the production and use of induced mutations un plant breeding, Vienna 17-21 january 1966

Symposium on Mutation and plant breeding

Ithaca November 28 to December 2 1960

  • Symposium On Mutation And Plant Breeding Ithaca 1960


fifth congress of the European association for research on plant breeding, Milano 30 settembre - 2 ottobre 1968

  • European association for research on plant breeding


the science and practice of British farming

  • More, James A.

Plant breeding

  • Lawrence, William John Cooper

Risultati 1-20 di 172