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Risultati 1-20 di 124

Mercury pollution

integration and synthesis

Terrestrial biospheric carbon fluxes

quantification of sinks and source of CO2

La risposta tecnologica agli inquinamenti chimici

esperienze internazionali con le diossine e i composti policlorurati : confronti e collaborazioni : international experience with dioxins and related compounds : comparisions and collaborations : atti del convegno tenutosi a Milano, Italia, 20-21-22 settembre 1984

Chemistry, man and environment

the Seveso accident 20 years on: monitoring, epidemiology and remediation: proceedings of the meeting held in Milan, Italy, 21-22 october 1996 promoted by Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente Foro Bonaparte 12, 20121 Milano, Italy

  • Ballarin Denti, Antonio


recueil de normes applicables aux insecticides et aux appareils de pulvérisation et de poudrage

Alluminio, trasporto e ambiente

compatibilità ambientale di una potenziale crescita dell'uso dell'allluminio nel settore dei trasporti : environmental compatibility of the potential growth of aluminium use in the transport sector

  • Cutaia, Laura

Normes pour les pesticides

insecticides, rodenticides, molluscocides, appareils de pulvérisation et de poudrage

The international climate change regime

a guide to rules institutions and procedures

  • Yamin, Farhana

Pharmaceuticals in the environment

sources, fate, effects and risks

The global politics of pesticides

forging consensus from conflicting interests

  • Hough, Peter

Normes pour les pesticides utilisés en santé publique

insecticides, molluscicides, répulsifs, méthodes d'examen

Persistent pollutants

economics and policy

Risultati 1-20 di 124