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Risultati 1-20 di 125


the journal of International association of sedimentologists

I movimenti franosi in Italia

  • ItaliaMinistero dei lavori pubblici


symposium to honor professor H.A. Einstein

Mechanics of sediment transport

proceedings of Euromech 156 : Istanbul, 12-14 July 1982

  • Euromech Colloquium 156 Istanbul 1982

Mechanics of sediment movement

lecture notes for short course n. 3 : given in Providence, Rhode Island, March 13-14, 1984

  • Middleton, Gerard V.

Les roches sédimentaires de France [+]

roches carbonatées (calcaires et dolomies)

  • Cayeux, Lucien

Theoretical glaciology

material science of ice and the mechanics of glaciers and ice sheets

  • Hutter, Kolumban

Quando la terra muore

il problema mondiale dell'erosione del suolo

  • Jacks, Graham Vernon

Erosion et sédimentation

introduction a la géologie générale et a la paléogéographie

  • Termier, Henri

Physical processes of sedimentation

an introduction

  • Allen, John R.L.

Sequence in layered rock

a study of features and structures useful for ...

  • Shrock, Robert R.

Deltaic and shallow marine deposits

proceedings of the sixth International Sedimentological Congress the netherlands and Belgium - 1963

  • International Sedimentological Congress 6 Amsterdam, Netherlands and Antwerp, Belgium 1963

Dissesto idrogeologico

prevenire o subire : atti del convegno di Sondrio, 7 novembre 1987

  • Club alpino italianoCommissione lombarda tutela ambiente montano

Coastal changes

  • Williams, William Washington

Risultati 1-20 di 125